When I just graduated over 15 years ago, while looking for jobs, we saw roles requiring 2, 3 or even 10 years’ experience. Some of us complained and make statements like, ‘where do they want us to get the experience if they don’t employ us. It got us really annoyed and we felt angry towards such organisations.
Fast forward to some years back when I ventured into entrepreneurship, I now realise why experienced people are needed to help handle some roles I was taking on myself. It has become clear to me that experience comes with failures and successes, building strength and enhanced learning. 8-tips-on-how-to-become-indispensable-in-your-career/
These are some of the things I put together.
1. No organisation wants to run a business based on trial an error, especially if they have invested millions in building it. You can’t buy a Ferrari and give it to a fresh learner; it’s bound to crash at first acceleration. You will look out not just for any driver but an experienced driver who understands how the car works. Likewise, no one will give you a big responsibility if you have not been tested.
2. Little room for mistakes: most organisations have little room for mistakes, even though mistakes happen. However you want to be sure that the mistake can be mitigated using the persons experience as he/she may have faced similar challenge from his/her previous work or organisations.
3. Experience drives innovation: An experienced person will often bring innovative ideas because he/she understands how things work, the process and what it takes to build and execute, they have interacted with different people and situations.
4. Team work & Leadership: Experience comes with working with diverse teams, team leadership or decision making. Most experienced people come equipped with these skills already and require little or no training to get them, to speed up on what they need to do, they just slide in and gather information they need to get them going and deliver the required results. Less effort trying to supervise and monitor their activities to ensure they are doing the right thing.
5. Least expensive: It is cheaper and more productive to hire two(2) experienced people compared to hiring 20 inexperienced people to do the same job. It would likely take at least 3 months to train these new people while the experienced ones will just hit the road running immediately and produce better results compared to the 20 inexperienced ones. The cost of hiring inexperienced personnel include cost of mistakes, productivity, cost of training, manpower, return on investment, and wages, before you start seeing the required results.
6. Meeting Business Goals: a fresh graduate without experience hardly knows their left from right in meeting company goals or targets. Inexperienced person will likely not be able to meet up with expectation within the first 3 months, they will still be learning and understanding the organisation, process and products offered. They will need to be trained on how to sale if it’s a sales role the person is occupying. This from my experience is one of the most difficult not forgetting other professional roles like HR, Accounting and Reconciliations.
The place of experience cannot be over emphasised. It’s key to succeeding in any role.
Before now, I was more concerned about how much I was going to pay for a new hire instead of how productive the person I am bringing on board would be. Then I erroneously believed they would just be trained. I have seen that experience can never be replaced with two weeks or 1-month training. By the time you realise it, you would have spent or lost more hiring non experienced people for a critical role.
I will advise those who just graduated and are looking for a role to get an internship and volunteer in organisations to build experience as that would distinguish them from others.
Benefits of hiring experienced talent
To your Success
Lawrence Obi
Author Profile

Lawrence is a Cards, Payments, Project Management and Sales Expert with over 16years in the Financial Sector. He is passionate about Excellence, Leadership and Innovation, currently chasing interest in digital Payment solutions, blockchain technology, financial Inclusion & tech startups.
Author of the book, Discover, Develop, Deploy
Lawrence has founded several businesses including a Licensed Fintech in Nigeria. He loves writing and sharing knowledge with his audience.
You can reach him on any of his social media handles for enquiries and collaborations.
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