If you have to coarse, confuse and force people to buy your products or services, then you need to check. Maybe that product is not solving a problem or meeting a need.
Every product is meant to meet a need. Do you sell a product that when people see you they run and want to hide?. Because they will part with cash they don’t want to spend?. Do they always feel you want to rob them off their hard-earned money?.Then keep reading.
Sometime ago, a lady walked into my office and was begging every one of us to buy her products, because we are obliged to help her?. After a week pressure, we all bought so she could let us rest. And you know what? that was the only product anyone ever bought from her.
People don’t want a product that wouldn’t solve a need or forced to buy. Peoples needs could come in different forms, it could also be emotional needs.
Our needs are different and until you meet that you have to be begging and forcing people to buy your products out of pity. And that is not sustainable, even if you succeed the first time.
To change that story, consider these 6tips of a good product.
A good product comprises of:
1. Good & Acceptable quality: there should be a minimum quality of product depending on your target market, that’s why you see that we have American standards, UK standards etc. so your product should have a minimum standard.
2. Attractive benefits. Any product without a benefit is seen as a liability, and adds no value to the customer. So make your benefits readable and glaring to everyone who looks onto your product.
3. Good and attractive look (if it’s a tangible product) also known as packaging. Someone brought a soap to me some years back and asked me to try it. I was skeptical at first because the packaging looked like it was done in a shrine. Even though the guy said its herbal. There is no way I would have bought that soap in a super market, but it turned out to be nice. Good packaging allows your products to sell itself.
4. Good pricing (depending on your target market and environment); why should I buy your product for a particular price when there is a better alternative that I have been using and well-known brand. Your product pricing should be in such a way that people will have no choice but to buy because the alternative they have looks like a reap off. That doesn’t mean your product should be relatively low, but don’t always go at per with your competition who have been in the market years before you.
5. Good product exposure: no product thrives in isolation, you must make them visible, don’t just sit and expect people to know about your products, you must take them to the potential customers and show them what you have to offer.
6. Who is selling the product?(The brand behind it): let your brand be bold and be looking confident, until Nigeria started promoting its Made in Nigeria products, people don’t really want to buy it, those in Aba are now confident to put “Made in Aba”. A lot of people prefer to hide their brand name and people hate buying products without a name and especially if the brand is not looking confident on its own. While some people will even change a popular brand and tweak it to sound the same but different spelling, this is really horrible and doesn’t tell well of your product. So be confident of your brand.
Image Credit: Canva.com
Author Profile

Lawrence is a Cards, Payments, Project Management and Sales Expert with over 16years in the Financial Sector. He is passionate about Excellence, Leadership and Innovation, currently chasing interest in digital Payment solutions, blockchain technology, financial Inclusion & tech startups.
Author of the book, Discover, Develop, Deploy
Lawrence has founded several businesses including a Licensed Fintech in Nigeria. He loves writing and sharing knowledge with his audience.
You can reach him on any of his social media handles for enquiries and collaborations.
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